Wicked Leeks - Supporting small farms – a long overdue SFI shift

An article that looks at the changes eligibility for in agricultural subsidies, and how this might impact smaller farms going forwards.

“After joining the European Commission in 1973, the UK’s agricultural policy and subsidies were shaped by the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In 2014, the existing Single Payment Scheme (SPS) was replaced by the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). The BPS was the channel that delivered the majority of subsidy payments (84% in 2015), but was allocated according to the amount of land the claimant owned rather than being linked to productivity. While SPS was available to those farming one hectare or more, for the BPS, England chose to implement a minimum five hectare (5ha) size threshold, excluding 18,000 farmers who had previously been eligible for subsidies. After its introduction, many organisations, including the Landworkers’ Alliance and Sustain campaigned vocally for this 5ha limit to be removed.”

Excerpt from Wicked Leeks, July 2024, words only. Image credit Riverford.