Waterfront - Winter Birding

A series of seven articles featuring winter birding opportunities on waterways across the country.

"It may be cold outside, but the countryside is flourishing with life. Winter and early spring is one of the best times of year to see birds on and around our waterways, so it’s the ideal opportunity to wrap up warm and grab your binoculars. While the change in seasons sees some of our favourite birds leave for warmer climes, it also draws large numbers of different species to our shores, attracted by our relatively mild climate, as well as enticing year-round residents into new locations and habitats.

The elusive bittern, a relative of the heron, was almost lost in the UK. Declining need for cut reed during the 19th century meant much of its traditional habitat was lost and numbers plummeted. But thanks to a dedicated conservation effort to restore reedbeds, numbers are once more on the rise and there are now an estimated 160 male bitterns in the UK."

Excerpt from Waterfront, March 2018, Words only